I am Francis Wildman, if you book an initial consultation it will be with me. I was late coming to the law, I graduated from the University of Kent Law School in 2003. I went on to complete the BVC. I have been representing clients in Employment Tribunals around the United Kingdom now for about 20 years. I have represented many Employers and Employees over the years.
I spent a few years teaching at Kent Law School, University of Kent, along side my private clients. I have worked a lot with the Kent Law Clinic, a free legal advice service for local people based at Kent Law School. There I supervised students working on real cases mostly in the Employment Tribunal and the County Court.
Having been a litigant in person myself before becoming a lawyer, I know what it is like to take on the system. It is not always about winning in the Employment Tribunal, as it can be pragmatic to agree to a settlement. Negotiating settlements is a large part of what I do but, as always, I am working to act in your best interests.
There is a great deal to get right in an Employment Tribunal case. You need to get your response/defence as good as it can be. Comply with the rules before you get to a hearing. Make a good case at the hearing and deal with what comes up.
I have also represented many different kinds of employers from large service companies to small independent businesses. I have represented employees against all kinds of employers. From local authorities, schools and the police to banks, phone companies, restaurants and builders. It is hard to think of a sector that I haven’t worked in. I can provide an initial consultation at any stage so that you can get a clear understanding of what you need to do next.