You can prepay for a package of appointments to call on when you want to, or you can just purchase an appointment when you need one. Package hours can be used for support on the evenings between Tribunal hearing days if booked in advance. Email me your updates and questions well before any booked appointment. We can then agree a date and time for the appointment. These packages are only available if you have previously had an Initial Consultation for the same case.
You can use a package of appointments to draw on to get help when you need it. After an initial consultation you will have a good idea of when and where you are likely to need more help. We can spend time helping you to understand what an Employment Tribunal hearing is like. We can discuss the witness statements from the other side and what points in them need to be addressed. You need to know what the strengths are in your case, but you also need to know where you may have weaknesses.
1 Hour: £100
3 Hour: £250 – Save £50
6 Hour: £450 – Save £150
9 Hour: £650 – Save £250
Other packages can be agreed including assistance with drafting particular documents and preparing for particular hearings. This could also include, for example, me drafting a skeleton argument so that the judge can see clearly what your legal argument is. We can work together to establish what you are likely to need.